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Summer Mornings Made Cosy: Hygge Breakfast Ideas to Embrace the Season's Warmth

by Laura Donnelly on June 06, 2024

As the sun rises higher in the sky and the birdsong fills the air, there's something truly magical about summer mornings. It's the perfect time to slow down, savour the moment, and indulge in a delicious breakfast that nourishes both body and soul. Embrace the warmth and joy of summer with these hygge-inspired breakfast recipes that will make your mornings feel extra special.


1. Sunshine Smoothie Bowl

Start your day with a burst of tropical flavours with a sunshine smoothie bowl. Blend together frozen mango, pineapple, and banana with a splash of coconut water until smooth. Pour into a bowl and top with fresh berries, sliced banana, granola, and a drizzle of honey for a refreshing and vibrant breakfast that will leave you feeling energised and ready to tackle the day.



2. Berry-Stuffed French Toast

Elevate classic French toast with the addition of summer berries. Dip thick slices of bread into a mixture of eggs, milk, and vanilla extract, then cook until golden brown on both sides. Spread a layer of cream cheese on each slice, then top with a generous serving of mixed berries and a sprinkle of sugar. Serve with maple syrup for a decadent and indulgent breakfast that's perfect for lazy summer mornings.


3. Avocado Toast with Grilled Peaches

Take your avocado toast to the next level by adding grilled peaches for a sweet and savoury twist. Toast slices of whole-grain bread until golden brown, then top with mashed avocado, grilled peach slices, crumbled feta cheese, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze. Garnish with fresh basil leaves for a vibrant and flavourful breakfast that celebrates the best flavours of summer.


4. Summer Berry Pancakes

Celebrate the abundance of summer berries with fluffy pancakes loaded with fresh fruit. Whip up your favourite pancake batter, then fold in a generous handful of mixed berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Cook until golden brown on both sides, then stack the pancakes high and top with more berries and a dollop of whipped cream or Greek yogurt. Drizzle with maple syrup for a sweet and satisfying breakfast that's sure to impress.


5. Tropical Overnight Oats

Prepare a tropical-inspired breakfast ahead of time with creamy overnight oats. In a jar or bowl, combine rolled oats with coconut milk, diced mango, shredded coconut, and a sprinkle of chia seeds. Stir well, then cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, give the oats a stir and top with additional mango slices, toasted coconut flakes, and a drizzle of honey for a refreshing and nutritious breakfast that's perfect for busy summer mornings.


6. Greek Yogurt Parfait with Grilled Fruit

Create a stunning and delicious breakfast parfait by layering creamy Greek yogurt with grilled fruit and crunchy granola. Slice peaches, nectarines, or plums in half and grill until caramelised and tender. In glasses or jars, alternate layers of Greek yogurt with grilled fruit and granola until filled. Top with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a delightful and satisfying breakfast that's both healthy and indulgent.


7. Iced Lavender Latte

Cool off on hot summer mornings with a refreshing iced lavender latte. Brew a strong cup of your favourite coffee and let it cool to room temperature. Stir in a splash of lavender syrup or a few drops of lavender extract, then pour over ice. Top with frothed milk or a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of dried lavender buds for a fragrant and soothing drink that's as beautiful as it is delicious.


With these hygge-inspired breakfast ideas, you can start your summer mornings off right and embrace the warmth and joy of the season. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely breakfast in the garden or treating yourself to breakfast in bed, these delicious recipes will make every morning feel like a special occasion.

Experience more hygge-inspired moments with Hygge at Home. Visit www.hyggeathome.co.uk for natural products, hygge boxes, home fragrance and lifestyle inspiration.


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